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Are you currently working from home and having trouble syncing your email across all your devices? Does your email hosting provider suffer from technical problems and downtime?
One of the most important systems that a small business needs is a reliable and robust email platform. Many of our home office and small business clients suffer from continuous email problems. They are often paying large monthly fees for their email service and it just doesn’t work properly.
It’s not uncommon for graphic designers or other small I.T. businesses to sell email services even though they do not have the technical expertise to implement it correctly or provide any form of tech support. Sadly this is all too common.
Now, there is a perfect (cost-effective) solution from Google. It is called ‘Google Apps for Work’ and I have been personally using it in my business for the past two years.
7 Reasons Why I Recommend Google Apps for Home & Small Business Users:
1. Email Syncing Across all of your Devices
Google Apps for work email has been designed from the ground up to sync flawlessly across all your devices. You can use it on PCs, Macs, Tablets, Smart Phones and all other devices. All folders and emails are synced at all times. You can be away visiting a client and send an email on your iPhone and when you get back to the office, that same email is also on your desktop PC. All your emails just sync automatically.
2. Easy to use webmail
You can access your emails through the online portal at gmail.com If you are overseas and don’t have any of your devices you just visit gmail.com and enter your username and password and you can see all your up-to-date emails.
3. 99.9% Guaranteed Uptime
Google Apps for work is one of the only services on the market that guarantees a 99.9% uptime. This means that your account always works and is never “down” for maintenance or technical problems. Uptime is the key term used to measure “reliability”.
4. Business Grade Security
Google has gone to great lengths to implement business-grade levels of security. All your emails are encrypted and all attachments are scanned by commercial-grade antivirus scanners and spam filters, which means greater email security for you and your clients.
5. Receive custom email address
When you sign up for Google Apps for Work email you can use your custom email address at your domain. If you don’t already have a domain name you can purchase one here where I got mine. An example of a custom email account is help@computercures.com.au
6. 24/7 Tech Support (Phone & Email)
Google Apps for Work email provides 24/7 365days a year phone and email tech support. This is invaluable as you are speaking with a kind and gentle tech expect who takes the time to explain things and will go to great lengths to help you. When they schedule a call back, they always call you exactly on time and provide a detailed email summary with everything you discussed. They truly go above and beyond. I personally rate Google Apps for Work tech support as number #1 in the world, on par with Apple tech support.
7. Cost Effective
When you first sign up for Google Apps for Work you receive a 30-day free trial. After the trial has finished you pay $5 per month per user, billed automatically to your credit card. You will receive a monthly tax invoice as confirmation.
Click Here to Sign up for Google Apps for Work: https://goo.gl/DL2KAE
Let Us Help
If you want help setting up Google Apps for Work properly, so that all your emails are in the account and it works perfectly on all your devices, then give us a call and we’ll do it all for you. We can also configure your email setup on Outlook for you so you can still use that to view and send emails through the Google Apps for Work system. We can also help with your office 365 setup and wifi setup. Give us a call on 1300 553 166 or fill out the form at the top of this page and we’ll get it all sorted for you.
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